stic Some Tools for Image Collectors (c) Thomas Schmitt 2001-2004, BSD license --- 0.1 10 Mar 2001 Initial release. --- 0.2 17 Mar 2001 The task to adapt simv's Tcl/Tk-GUI to a given collection has been simplyfied. There is no more need to edit scripts. 18 Mar 2001 New option similar -imagoid: to determine wether a file is probably a picture (mainly guessed from file name). 18 Mar 2001 stic_importer , a script to categorize newly obtained images and to present the noteworthy ones to the user. --- 0.3 21 Mar 2001 Bug fixed with clients which close the connection before their -add_view command gets executed. The TCP/IP service became unusable then. 25 Mar 2001 Prepared snntpbatch for collaboration with PHP : -html php This causes the HTML output to be enhanced by links to scripts : fetch.php3 , list_interval.php3 , remove_old.php3 See appendix "Collaboration with a web server" in snntpbatch -help 26 Mar 2001 Introduced new command -group_quick . xover cache files are now used for -fetch . Both should speed up downloading of single messages by fetch.php3 29 Mar 2001 Enhanced -subscribe for PHP collaboration: PHP scripts get installed if -html php -html php gets propagated into the group's .snntpbatchrc Link on main_index.html to subscribe.php3 performs subscription to a server or group. 4 Apr 2001 Serialized samples have been introduced with similar. These printable texts allow a database entry to be precomputed or transported between databases. See description of similar command -sample . --- 0.4 12 Apr 2001 Separated the code of the image map, the persistent storage manager and the traditional filesystem based image data base. This will allow the use of other data storage systems like SQL data bases. 14 Apr 2001 New commands in similar: -list_samples makes possible partial backups of the database. -del_files_expr can do the corresponding removal. 5 May 2001 It is now possible to use MySQL as storage device. To enable migration from file based maps, the commands -list_exempts and -record_exempt_list have been introduced. -list_samples and -append_list provide the corresponding pair for sample data. The new command -rename enables moving of files with preservation of their MySQL ids. Therefore one can refer to these ids from other tables within MySQL or enhance the similar_sample table by own columns. 13 May 2001 defines custom MySQL functions. SIMILAR_IMG compares image samples. SIMILAR_FMT converts them and extracts information. similar can be configured to take advantage of SIMILAR_IMG and therefore reduce the data traffic. A native storage format for samples provides maximum speed on systems with matching bytesex while being readable by others too. 20 May 2001 New commands in similar: -compare tests two images or samples without using a databse at all. -lookup_id obtains the SQL id of a fileaddress. 12 Jul 2001 Filter of snntpbatch enhanced: Conditional expressions by use of -if -then -elseif -else -endif Decisions of these conditional expressions maybe set by test result: Additional headers usable for testing msgno: msgid: references: bytes: lines: One may test for message sizes by larger: smaller: --- 0.5 9 Feb 2002 snntpbatch can read yEnc binary encoding. (about yEnc: See snntpbatch -help , -allow_yenc 16 Aug 2002 Preparing for 0.5 as new stable version. A lot of bugs have been fixed including security holes (ask by mail if you are interested in details). The following changes have been made relative to version 0.4 : * sagent (as well as simv and similar) : - New mode "open_and_show" with command -add_view - It is possible to list keyset statements by -keyset:list - Abandoned shell command ls -l in loop so it became too fast for the Tcl/Tk frontend. New command -loop_wait: helps. - New command -hide - New command -sidestep - New commands -stderr , -stdout print text - New commands -local_cmd , -remote_cmd , -remote_root_cmd - New command -external * similar - new mode of command -auto_client:match_par * simv - New substitution parameters $& , $# , $| , $@ , $= , $$ - New command -crc handles CSV and SFV files - New command -mapper_args - New command -match_par more secure than -mapper_cmd or -mapper_args and therefore needs less sharp access restrictions. - New command -search_doubles allows manually triggered searching with wider search parameters * snntpbatch - As said above, yEnc encoded binaries can be decoded now. New command -allow_yenc may disable this where not appropriate. - Multitasking has become more effective by new commands -wait_for_file and -coop_idx. -list_interval creates a marker file with name list_updated. - Handling of split messages has become more convenient by commands -background_tee and -merge_tee . Control file nntpclient_multi_bin_tee_2dg allows up to 99 split parts. Split MIME-multipart messages can be combined and decoded now - New options to -pacifier make it more suitable for highspeed connections - New test print: is useful for debugging complicated -filter expressions - New command -subjectfilerec - New command -group_stat_curbs - The help text has been revised --- 0.6 similar : A numerical distance measure has been introduced. See new commands -distance and -search_distance . The functions are available as MySQL UDFs too : SIMILAR_DIST , SIMILAR_CPAR New command -sort_buffer controls sorting of results according to their distance to the search target. New command -check_ratio controls a check for the image's X/Y ratios with the life files (if they can be read as JPEG). New arguments to -match_par define an additional distance check and a way to limit the number of reported results. Further new commands : -is_bw , -search_dsample , -visualize . simv : Command -jpgb got new option "viewer_repair". Command -match_par enhanced according to similar's -match_par. New command -silent_about_missing. Command -refresh got new option "if_idle". similar, simv, sagent : Security of the encrypted protocol has been increased. Nevertheless version 0.6 will never become official since the new standard protocol version will be 0.2 which is not available in all 0.6 stages. snntpbatch : Is now able to extract messages from UNIX style mailfolder files by -extract mailfolder . New commands allow to perform file hashing tasks independendly of downloading : -hashfileadr , -hashfilefound , -make_hashdir , -deepen_hashdir New control files : nntpclient_no_beep , nntpclient_skip_server_failure --- 0.7 04 Jan 2004 The new encrypted protocol version 0.2 is standard now : SHA-1 seal, 256 bit keys, variable chaining initialization vector. The protocol of a connection is chosen by the client and may or may not be accepted by the server. See sagent command -security options clientprotocol , serverprotocol. See README "Authentication protocol upgrade from stic-0.6 or older" for compatibility issues. --- 0.8 19 Jan 2004